Category Archives: How To

Facebook is getting in the cryptocurrency game #027

It’s officially Summer!  But before you break out the suntan lotion and crank up the tunes, it’s a new episode and this week Facebook is all in with cryptocurrency but the US and the European government wants answers before it launches Facebook, Google and Twitter will testify on terrorist content, plus Amazon Prime Day 2019 is back!

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Disney now owns Hulu #023

Yes, there was no episode last week, I was not feeling well. It may have been from the remnants from being sick from the week prior. So my apologies, but fear not GNC WIR community, a new episode is here! And this weeks tech news is sure not to disappoint, a huge Google news block, a streaming news block plus Disney is now in control of Hulu.

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The Impossible Burger #022

So sorry that there was not an episode posted last week, I was sick all of last weekend, so it would not have been feasible on getting an episode recorded then posted as I did not have the strength to do one. However, I am going to make up for it with a supersized episode of tech news from Google, Apple, The Impossible Burger and more!

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GNC WIR Special Edition #013

This week is a special edition of GNC WIR on how to stay safe online also while the Super Bowl was a snoozefest, amazingly a lot of people were streaming it online!

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