“Galaxy Fold” Really Samsung? #005

This week, Microsoft announces a foldable smartphone arriving in 2019, I don’t think Microsoft had a smartphone for the past few years so it’s quite a surprise and not to be outdone Sony is announcing a foldable smartphone; which begs the question that I have asked for the past couple of episodes why would these companies think that consumers would actually purchase one?

So would be 2019 be the year of the foldable smartphone or will it be 5G?

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Flashback Friday: Big Billy Bass #004

Thanks for coming back this week, I hope everyone in the U.S had a great Thanksgiving holiday weekend! I got lots of tech news this week from Google, Facebook,  how to help advice and a lot more and remember Big Billy Bass (you know the fish on a wooden back); well it’s back with a new addition.

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Stan Lee Passes Away #003

This week of tech news is chockful this week from Amazon finally announcing the new HQ2 location and it’s going to be 2 locations yes 2 locations, not just one, hmm interesting; Android Q was announced with a feature supporting foldable phones and speaking of a foldable phone, would you purchase a foldable phone for $1700.00?

No show next week as it’s Thanksgiving on November 22nd, next episode will be out the following Friday, November 30th. Have a great Thanksgiving with your friends and family.

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A video game that helps understand dementia #002

Well, I am back with a new episode and there is a lot of tech news this week, including an article I found fascinating it where it’s about a man’s grandmother who had dementia and created a game based on the disease. It’s pretty incredible on how tech not only impacts on our daily lives but also how to understand a disease such as dementia.

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The 1st episode of GNC WiR! #001

Welcome to the very 1st episode of Geek News Week in Review. This episode is going to be a little short this week; however, rest assured I will make sure that subsequent episodes will be more in length.

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